Monday, February 11, 2008

Sitios web para perder peso (inglés)

Update: after using daily plate, fit day and spark people, I am staying with spark people because it gives so much support besides calorie counting. You can see a report on it on fox news NY.
Well, I have looked at all these sites, they are great. So far I joined daily plate, spark people , FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal and I am going to begin using them to see which one fits better my plan. I did not enter into My food diary, since it is not free. All have different appeal to me: daily plate has extensive comments on food and breaks the consumption into many categories (fat, protein, etc...), spark people customizes the plan to one self and gives choices for mini goals, fitday has a really nice ways to summarize and show progress.
Also, today I found out that Real Age is doing some challenges, including workouts, they look great (and they are free!).

Well, I still love Weight Watchers, specially for its points system, but may be I should go with the real thing: knowing the carbs, fats, protein, fiber and water in my food. Spark people seems to have a point system and the daily plate does break your food into carbs, fat, protein, and shows the food nutritional values and comments when adding it to the list. FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal also shows the nutritional value and has BIG letters, I like that very much, it has too many choices for food, the search has to be done with some description of the food eg. regular coffee instead of coffee. It has really nice reports page, it includes nutrition, calories eaten or burned, weight change, activity progress and other. Fitday also has a journal, a goal setter page and a calendar that shows what you have been doing. It seems very good. My food diary seems a pretty good application similar to Fitday, more user friendly and includes some improvements like having a comment on progress, easily adding food to meal time by checking instead of chooosing the meal from a drop down list.
Body Bugg seems great, but pricing is high. I liked very much its resources page. I use polar to count my calories. I paid less than $100 for a polar that tracks calories and heart beat, besides I bought it to stay in the cardio zone, and not for the calorie tracking. My doctor tells me that usually the polar overestimates the calories spent when he compared it to his machine.

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